knock about

knock about [nɔk əˈbaut]  [nɑk əˈbaʊt] 

knock about 基本解释
knock about 网络解释

1. <口>接连打击; (浪等)冲击(船等碰撞:keep up with 跟上;赶上 | knock about <口> 接连打击;(浪等) 冲击 (船等碰撞 | later on 后来,稍后

2. 使颠簸:knobinsulator 鼓形绝缘子 | knock about 使颠簸 | knock down 拆开

3. 接连打击.冲击;漫游:9. at hand 近在手边,在附近 | 10. knock about 接连打击.冲击;漫游 | 11. all of a sudden 突然地:冷小防

knock about 单语例句

1. When I arrived my wife and the concierge were about to knock on the door.


2. Bush administration expressed alarm about explosive new reports that the president is mulling military options to knock out Iran's nuclear program.

3. Nobody can knock the fact that I have been up front from the word go about my relationship with Alex.

4. That August had something aggressive about it that made one want to rip apart photos of one's foes or knock down bicycles.

5. knock about的意思

5. Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy used to call them " Yao haters, " those critics who always found something to knock about Yao Ming's game.

knock about 英英释义


1. strike against forcefully

    e.g. Winds buffeted the tent

    Synonym: buffet batter

2. be around
    be alive or active

    e.g. Does the old man still kick around?

    Synonym: kick around kick about
