1. 旋钮:或者,在槽开口的内部可以提供一连串合适放置的突起例如旋钮(knobs)或突舌(tabs),将放射源保持于槽内的合适位置. 优选,轨道、凸缘或凸起形成于槽开口的两侧. 可替换地或另外地,通过合适的生物相容粘合剂将放射性种子和间隔物部件保持于合适的位置.
2. (圆形硬块):pellets (搓成的圆球、小球) | knobs (圆形硬块) | balloons (气球)
3. 凸岩:Knifeblades:刀型岩钉. | Knobs:凸岩. | Knot:绳结.
4. 按钮或旋钮:handles 操纵手柄 | knobs 按钮或旋钮 | switchers 开关
1. The pins are attached to a metal frame and every day for months the patient tightens the knobs a small amount despite excruciating pain.
2. knobs
2. It had a very close grain and didn't have any knobs and cracks, because it was the " subsurface portion " the best part of a log.
3. Visibility and location of control knobs are among the elements that contribute to safe driving.
4. The rest are buried under round knobs of brick on which weeds grow in this untended garden.
5. Their serrated trunks spread out and twist in impossible formations, growing bulbous knobs in odd places.