
kindle [ˈkɪndl]  [ˈkɪndl:] 





kindle 基本解释

及物/不及物动词点燃,照耀; 煽动,鼓舞; 着火; 发亮


kindle 同义词


动词trigger provoke move arouse stir up light enkindle inflame ignite start

kindle 反义词

及物动词smother stifle extinguish

kindle 相关例句


1. The setting sun kindled the sky.

2. The speaker kindled our interest in dinosaurs.

3. Her cruelty kindled hatred in my heart.


1. The paper kindled on the second match.

2. Her eyes kindled with joy.

kindle 网络解释

1. 点火:也许有人会提醒,这应该不(只)是实体书出版潮,而是电子书出版潮. 由於亚马逊的点火(Kindle)电子书阅读机是在二○○七年年底的耶诞节正式发售,所以二○○七开始的新书出版潮,有一大部分跟亚马逊电子书无关.

2. 烧着:kilovolt 千伏 | kindle 烧着 | kindling point 着火点

3. 点燃,着火:jubilant 喜悦的a | kindle点燃,着火v | candle蜡烛

kindle 词典解释

1. 激起(感情);使感受到
    If something kindles a particular emotion in someone, it makes them start to feel it.

    e.g. The second world war kindled his enthusiasm for politics...
    e.g. These poems have helped kindle the imagination of generations of children.

2. 点燃
    If you kindle a fire, you light paper or wood in order to start it.

    e.g. I came in and kindled a fire in the stove.

kindle 单语例句

1. The products - some perhaps poorly designed - use the same display screen as the Kindle but sell for much cheaper prices.


2. The National Museum's introduction says the intention is to amuse netizens and show the museum's lively side to kindle public interest.

3. It is not the billboards with pompous ad slogans for luxurious real estate that will kindle social instability.

4. The Kindle will sell for US $ 279 outside the US, including in most European countries.

5. kindle什么意思

5. The product meets the rising demand for content as people buy tablet computers like the iPad and Kindle Fire in increasing numbers.

6. kindle的近义词

6. That may change if investors don't like what Kindle has to say when he updates them on his strategy.

7. But questions abound over whether the intellectual Brown will kindle Blair's chemistry with Bush.

8. Kindle has increasingly hinted that he's leaning toward a takeover worth " many billions ".

9. kindle

9. The major reason for the sluggish Kindle sales is due to fierce competition from Chinese copycats.

10. The good selling performance of Nook from Barnes & Noble and Kindle from Amazon is a powerful evidence.

kindle 英英释义



1. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)

    e.g. arouse pity
           raise a smile
           evoke sympathy

    Synonym: arouse elicit enkindle evoke fire raise provoke

2. kindle

2. cause to start burning

    e.g. The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds

    Synonym: enkindle conflagrate inflame

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. catch fire

    e.g. The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles

    Synonym: inflame
