1. You know body fat every kilogram contains 9000 calorie, so you need to burn more calorie than that you have gain so as to lose weight.
2. Big return, you can consume six calorie heat every one minute of climbing up the stairs. Even though you just live on the fourth floor, you can at least consume 120 calorie heat in a week and 5220 calorie for a year. This can make you lose at least one kilogram fat in a year!
3. Kilowatt- hour - J - horsepower hours - calorie unit conversion - watt- hour - kilogram force meter - calories - calories...
1. a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure
used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food
Synonym: Calorie kilocalorie large calorie nutritionist's calorie