
keener ['ki:nə]  ['ki:nə] 







keener 基本解释


形容词锋利的( keen的比较级 ); 热衷的; 热情的; 良好的

keener 网络解释


1. 哭丧女:keen-witted 机智敏锐的 | keener 哭丧女 | keening 哭丧

2. 爱尔兰丧葬:keenacuityacutenessfinenesskeennesssubtiltysubtleties 敏锐 | keener 爱尔兰丧葬 | keener 哭丧者

3. 哭丧者:keener 爱尔兰丧葬 | keener 哭丧者 | keennesstartness 锋利

4. (专业的)哭丧女人:gardener 园丁,花匠,园艺师 | keener (专业的)哭丧女人 | greener 生手

keener 单语例句

1. " More like mama cougar, " the correspondent joked after Keener bared that brief bit of claw in Aniston's defense.

2. In spite of some countries'recent attempts to distract and demonize China, few countries in the world today are keener on preserving peace than this country is.

3. His desire to help those who had suffered rejection like himself became keener after he educated himself and achieved success.

4. Even though there is little relationship between cinemas and commerce centers, Zhu said Shanghai should be keener on promoting its overall financial service level.

5. The Swedes hit out with the keener verve in the early going.

6. Political high seasons attract greater media focus and keener foreign interests, which are trained mainly on incoming leaderships.

7. The competition for talent also seems to be getting keener, the survey reported.

8. It means investors are now keener to sell their foreign cash to the banks rather than invest it.

9. But the realization of it depends on a keener sense of environmental protection on the parts of both government authorities and travelers.

10. So much keener competition is going to be faced among the growing number of developers on the mainland in the sector.
