

keen-sighted 双语例句

1. Most of the animals in this area are keen-sighted.

2. Any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight.


3. Faced with the challenges and the success of the crisis era of opportunities, the future chances of winning are keen-sighted, broad-minded wise man!

4. Taking Yichang City, Hubei Province as an example, which is located in the middle west of China, this paper has carried out keen-sighted analysis on the characteristics of Yichang traffic environment diversification as well as its positive and negative influences on the development of rural communities.

5. On the ground, keen-sighted zebras eat side-by-side with hearing-enhanced ostriches, each prepared to warn the other of danger.

6. For you must, ere this, have noticed how keen-sighted are the puny souls of those who have the reputation of being clever but vicious, and how sharply they see through the things to which they are directed, thus proving that their powers of vision are by no means feeble, though they have been compelled to become the servants of wickedness, so that the more sharply they see, the more numerous are the evils which they work.

7. Keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated.
