1. 瓷土:产品说明 : 幼细并柔嫩的泡沫对肌肤毫无刺激, 柔柔地洁净肌肤, 含有瓷土(Kaolin)成分, 使得肌肤闪亮. 还含有绿茶成分, 将丰富的水分注入到肤层, 令肌肤滋润并光滑, 还由常春藤(Ivy)萃取物来预防肌肤问题. 香草复合体令肌肤透明滋润.
2. 白陶土:主要成份: 5%果酸複合物, 天然泥土面膜: 白陶土(Kaolin)及膨潤土(Bentonite), 氧化鋅(Zinc Oxide), 草本精華, 甘礦物質, 不含油份
3. 高領土:最常见的就是一种外观乳白色的悬浮剂,它的主成份是高领土(Kaolin)及果胶(Pectin),本身并不会被吸收,但会吸附轮状病毒其毒素而排出体外,达到止泻作用!因此一定要空腹使用,而且服用前一定要摇匀,并且剂量一定要够,止泻效果才明显.
1. Bone china is composed of bone ash, feldspathic material and kaolin.
1. danci.911chaxun.com
1. a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar)
used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper)
Synonym: china clay china stone kaoline porcelain clay terra alba