
kaleidoscope [kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp]  [kəˈlaɪdəskoʊp] 


kaleidoscope 基本解释


名词万花筒; 千变万化,瞬息万变

kaleidoscope 网络解释

1. 人海万花筒:30 Longest Nite, The 暗花 | 43 Kaleidoscope 人海万花筒 | 43 Marianna 胡越的故事

2. 第十版:第九版 entertainment | 第十版 kaleidoscope | 第十一版 expats

3. 万花筒;千变万化的情景:kalabolism 分解代谢 | kaleidoscope 万花筒;千变万化的情景 | kali 氧化钾

kaleidoscope 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 万花筒
    A kaleidoscope is a toy in the shape of a tube with a small hole at one end. If you look through the hole and turn the other end of the tube, you can see a pattern of colours which changes as you turn the tube round.

2. (色彩、成分等的)千变万化,瞬息万变
    You can describe something that is made up of a lot of different and frequently changing colours or elements as a kaleidoscope.

    e.g. ...the vivid kaleidoscope of colours displayed in the plumage of the peacock.
    e.g. ...a kaleidoscope of different alliances, groupings and interests.

kaleidoscope 单语例句

1. No element creates a sense of occasion quite like fire, especially when it's used to light up the night sky in a kaleidoscope of color.

2. A kaleidoscope of different colored frogs was also found, including 24 of the famed poison dart variety and one that was translucent.

3. The buffet in Kaleidoscope restaurant mainly features Arabic and Mediterranean dishes, complemented by Northern African and Indian cuisines.

4. It is naturally endowed with the picturesque scenery of bright and beautiful mountains and waters, radiant with clouds and mists just like a kaleidoscope.

5. kaleidoscope

5. " These photographs are a kaleidoscope of what China was and is, " said Lu in prepared remarks before the ribbon cutting ceremony.

6. Most tourists to the Inner Mongolia autonomous region seek out the famous grasslands, but you can find a kaleidoscope of colors in Wuhai.

7. kaleidoscope是什么意思

7. The kaleidoscope of images projected onto Chinese cities during the Crossings Festival has thrown a spotlight on China's own history.

8. The book's several contributing authors provide a kaleidoscope of perspectives, making it ideal for an omnivorous reader.

9. British photographer Craig Kirk is presenting a kaleidoscope of international metropolises with his exhibition Invisible Cities.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. However, over the last decade it has been replaced by a kaleidoscope of other winter wear.

kaleidoscope 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. an optical toy in a tube
    it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
