
juvenile [ˈdʒu:vənaɪl]  [ˈdʒu:vənl] 


juvenile 基本解释

形容词少年的; 幼稚的,年少无知的; 幼稚的

名词青少年; 扮演少年角色的演员; 少年读物; 羽毛未丰的鸟,雏鸟

juvenile 同义词

形容词young youthful

juvenile 反义词


juvenile 相关例句



1. The problem of juvenile delinquency presented itself for the attention from the whole society.

juvenile 网络解释


1. 幼体:确定是幼虫吗?可是三叶虫的幼虫(larva)是没有胸节的,只有头甲和尾甲;若是长出一个胸节就是幼体(juvenile)了确定是幼虫吗?可是三叶虫的幼虫(larva)是没有胸节的,只有头甲和尾甲;若是长出一个胸节就是幼体(juvenile)了

2. 稚鱼:将重约1~2克的吴郭鱼和朱文锦稚鱼(Juvenile)分别驯养於淡水中一个月以上,环境条件为光周期为光照14小时,黑暗10小时,采循环过滤并定期换水. 再将两种鱼随机分为两组养於常温(25±1℃)及低温恒温槽(15±1℃)中,在实验过程中不供给食物,

juvenile 词典解释

1. juvenile的解释

1. 少年
    A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult.

    e.g. The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen by a fifth in the past 10 years.

2. 少年的;未成年的
    Juvenile activity or behaviour involves young people who are not yet adults.

    e.g. Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.
    e.g. ...a scheme to lock up persistent juvenile offenders.

3. (行为)幼稚的,不成熟的,孩子气的
    If you describe someone's behaviour as juvenile, you are critical of it because you think that it is silly or childish.

    e.g. He's a typical male, as he gets older he becomes more juvenile.

4. juvenile在线翻译

4. 幼仔;幼兽;雏鸟
    Young animals are sometimes referred to as juveniles .

juvenile 单语例句

1. juvenile的翻译

1. Juvenile crime has been on the rise in the provincial capital of Guangzhou in recent years.

2. The growing problem of juvenile Internet addiction has prompted 63 parents to back a joint lawsuit against Web game companies.

3. The program aims to give juvenile offenders more love and care to help them steer clear of crime.

4. They also argued their client came from a violent upbringing and juvenile court would have been the best venue to try him.

5. juvenile

5. Jin's colleague Yi Su recalled that she worked hard in 2009 to help four juvenile robbery suspects see the error of their ways.

6. The UN draft standard minimum rules for the administration of juvenile justice will be examined and adopted at the meeting.

7. The case ended up in juvenile court, where the teens were sentenced to community service and curfews.

8. The judicial interpretation contains specific stipulations on new legal proceedings for juvenile criminal cases and compulsory medical treatment cases to ensure legal judgments.

9. The survey results were revealed at a conference on juvenile smoking control in Nanning last week.

10. The regulation also shows special care for street children in saying that juvenile vagrants should be aided separately from adult vagrants.

juvenile 英英释义



1. juvenile的解释

1. a young person, not fully developed

    Synonym: juvenile person


1. displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity

    e.g. adolescent insecurity
           jejune responses to our problems
           their behavior was juvenile
           puerile jokes

    Synonym: adolescent jejune puerile

2. of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people

    e.g. juvenile diabetes
           juvenile fashions
