jump off

jump off [dʒʌmp ɔf]  [dʒʌmp ɔf] 

jump off 基本解释


跳下; 开始行动,发起进攻

jump off 网络解释


1. 开始,开始进攻:jump at 急忙接受,立即抓住 | jump off 开始,开始进攻 | just about 差不多,几乎

2. 跳离:turn off 关 | jump off 跳离 | take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞

3. 开始:jump in 投入 | jump off 开始 | jump on 扑向

4. 跳下来:499. jump into 跳进 | 500. jump off 跳下来 | 501. jump out of 跳出来

jump off 单语例句

1. Consumer stocks fell after a surprise jump in weekly unemployment claims touched off fresh worries about weak consumer spending.

2. On the way up, people can feed monkeys that jump off the trees to take peanuts from their hands.

3. The fact is that when they get up, other passengers think they are just getting off and jump on the seat.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. As a vacation destination, the Middle East doesn't exactly jump off the map.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. A sentinel shot him in the leg before he tried to jump off the electric fence.

6. A depressed man who was frequently frustrated with love decided to jump off a cliff to his death.

7. jump off的意思

7. A villager near Bazhou saw the monkey jump off a lorry over the weekend.

8. jump off

8. Patrick said he was about to jump off the bus but stayed because he saw his brother steering.

9. Witnesses said Rao was quarrelling with her boyfriend over the phone when she threatened to jump off the building.

10. " Just take off your shoes and jump, " he said and dived in.

jump off 英英释义


1. set off quickly, usually with success

    e.g. The freshman jumped off to a good start in his math class

2. jump off什么意思

2. jump down from an elevated point

    e.g. the parachutist didn't want to jump
           every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge
           the widow leapt into the funeral pyre

    Synonym: jump leap
