judgement seat

judgement seat [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt si:t]  [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt sit] 

judgement seat 基本解释


judgement seat 网络解释

1. 审判员席:judgematic 眼光敏锐的 | judgement seat 审判员席 | judgement 审判

2. 审判席:hot seat (处死刑的)电椅 容易招致麻烦或遭人非议的职位; 困境 | judgement seat 审判席 | lose one's seat 座位被别人占去; 失去议席, 未能连选为议员

judgement seat 双语例句

1. Abstinence 6 hours of above. 1.2 spile method introduces recorder of the Digitrapper MDIII of Swedish CTD company, MDII PH, use vessel of small electrode of single crystal antimony, use standard amortize liquid first corrective PH value, the patient takes upright seat, cleanness is wet and rhinal, with lube before wet conduit paragraph, nasal cavity of a side of light firm will tracheal edge is inserted to pitch of head of patient of the enjoin when 15cm is controlled, make under the forehead stands by pectoral wall, in order to increase the radian of pharynx ministry passageway, make conduit is entered not easily by accident tracheal, and its do enjoin deglutition movement, slow guide conduit stomach, right now PH shows 1~2 is controlled, again will tracheal slow take out, when PH the value comes by.0 jump 5 when, judgement is ministry of gastric esophagus join, drag electrode 5cm to secure again with this.
    禁食6小时以上。1.2插管方法采用瑞典CTD公司的Digitrapper MDIII、MDII型pH记录仪,应用单晶锑微电极导管,先用标准缓冲液校正pH值,患者取端坐位,清洁湿润鼻腔,用润滑油湿润导管前段,轻稳将导管沿一侧鼻腔插至15cm左右时嘱患者头部前倾,使之下额靠近胸壁,以加大咽部通道的弧度,使导管不易误入气管,并嘱其做吞咽动作,并缓慢将导管导入胃,此时pH显示1~2左右,再将导管缓慢抽出,当pH值由。0突升至5.0时,判定为胃食管连接部,以此将电极再拽5cm固定。

2. And how could they have confidently summoned their parents before the judgement seat of Christ to accuse them?

3. I pray these people will come to repentance heartily for what they have done, before our LORD will judge them at the JUDGEMENT seat.


4. Jeremias shall be judged at the judgement seat, and he shall destroy them, that they may receive a due reward and expiate all that they did in their mortal life.

5. Before His judgement seat

6. For we must all be manifested before the judgement seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body, according as he hath done, whether it be good or evil.

7. And all whom the wave of the sea hath destroyed in the waters, and all whom beasts and creeping things and fowls have feasted on: all these shall he bring to the judgement seat; and again those whom flesh-devouring fire hath consumed in the flames, them also shall he gather and set before God's seat.

8. Knowing all the evil deeds that any hath wrought aforetime -then out of the misty darkness they shall bring all the souls of men to judgement, unto the seat of God the immortal, the great.
    明知一切坏事,任何祂所锻aforetime -然后走出烟雾缭绕的黑暗,他们将会把所有亡灵官兵判断,祂所在地的神不死,伟大的。
