
journey [ˈdʒɜ:ni]  [ˈdʒɜ:rni] 








journey 基本解释


名词旅行,旅程行期; 历程,过程



journey 同义词


名词jaunt trip expedition voyage tour outing excursion junket

journey 反义词


journey 相关例句


1. He journeyed frequently to Paris and other places.

2. She's journeyed all over the world with her husband.


1. Two days later, they resumed their journey.

2. A pleasant journey to you!

3. How long is the journey to the coast?

journey 情景对话



A:Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?

B:Sorry, we don't. But I think you can fly on Northwest 222 to Tokyo and then have a connecting flight on Japan Airline 123 to Auckland. And it is the most economical flight, just USD 560.
      对不起,我们没有直飞的航班,但你可以乘坐西北航空公司222航班到达东 京,转乘日本航空公司的123班机到达奥克兰。这个航线也是最经济的,机票才560美元。

A:When does the Flight 222 depart?

B:At 11:30am. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago.

A:How big is the layover at Chicago?

B:Less than one hour.

A:And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight?

B:Not so long, just one hour.

A:So the time for the whole journey is about...

B:About eleven hours.

A:Let me count. OK, it works out for my time schedule. Thanks a lot.

B:You are welcome.

journey 网络解释

1. 路:D意为:他想看看(或确立一下)自己在发展的道路(journey)上走到哪儿了. 这更没道理了. 在第二段,作者指出,将发展看作是一个过程的人关心的不是结果,他们更多地是注重人面对新的体验(experiences)与不期而至的障碍时所表现出的态度与感受:是谨慎还是表示出勇气.

journey 词典解释

1. 旅行;行程
    When you make a journey, you travel from one place to another.

    e.g. There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours.

2. (心灵的)历程
    You can refer to a person's experience of changing or developing from one state of mind to another as a journey.

    e.g. How do we go about embarking on this 'inner journey' to understand ourselves?...
    e.g. My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher.

3. 旅行
    If you journey somewhere, you travel there.

    e.g. In February 1935, Naomi journeyed to the United States for the first time...
    e.g. She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.

Do not confuse journey, voyage, trip, and excursion. A journey is the process of travelling from one place to another by land, air, or sea. ...a journey of over 2,000 miles. If you journey to a place, you travel there. This is a literary use. The nights became colder as they journeyed north. A voyage is a very long journey from one place to another, usually by sea or through space. ...the voyage to the moon in 1972. A trip is the process of travelling from one place to another, staying there, usually for a short time, and coming back again. ...a business trip to Milan. Note that the verb trip is not used with this meaning. An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing. The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos.
不要混淆 journey,voyage,trip和excursion。journey指经由陆路、空路或海路,从一地到另一地的旅程,如:a journey of over 2, 000 miles (2, 000多英里的旅程)。表示旅行到某个地方用journey,这是文雅的用法:The nights became colder as they journeyed north(他们北上的过程中,夜晚变得越来越冷)。voyage通常指乘船或乘坐飞行器进行的长途旅行:the voyage to the moon in 1972(1972年的登月之旅)。trip通常指短期逗留的往返旅程:a business trip to Milan(到米兰出差)。注意,trip用作动词时含义不同。excursion指短途的观光游览或有其他目的的短途旅行:The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos(旅游局组织去克诺索斯王宫观光游览)。
journey 单语例句

1. The most interesting topic the driver initiated during the journey was the business practice in the taxi industry in Shanghai.

2. journey

2. Were Alice a Roman gentleman with a penchant for purple velvet, a journey through the Looking Glass may have landed him in Beijing's LAN Club.

3. If life is a journey instead of a race to reach a destination, then you should value the four years by all means.

4. The dolphins'journey half way around the globe by plane sparked an international debate about the growing entertainment industry surrounding the animals.

5. journey是什么意思

5. Had they taken the company bus to Guomao and then gone by subway to Dongzhimen, the journey would have taken about an hour.

6. But as we approached, huge greenhouses by the side of the road advertised the end of our journey.

7. The current 67 km journey between Edinburgh and Glasgow by train takes about one hour.

8. The journey time between Dali and Lijiang will be shortened from four hours by bus to less than an hour and a half by train.

9. journey的意思

9. A Han Dynasty envoy and his entourage even went on the journey to Byzantine in the year of AD 97.

10. Mariah will be joined by husband Nick Cannon on the journey which will see them lavishly treated.

journey 英英释义


1. the act of traveling from one place to another

    Synonym: journeying


1. undertake a journey or trip

    Synonym: travel

2. travel upon or across

    e.g. travel the oceans

    Synonym: travel
