







joints 基本解释
关节;接头( joint的名词复数 );公共场所;一块烤肉;
joints 网络解释


1. 关节:以教练学和运动生理学讨论,球员个别训练,尤其是从事重量训练(weight training)时,过程中准备运动(warm up)非常重要,像一般篮球选手都是以慢跑(jogging)或轻松运球做开始,接著再以关节(joints)活动,紧接著再以伸展操(stretching),

2. 接头:以形成无焊接性且具刚性之结构,该车架采用1.5吋管件在预弯后以高压成形方式制成复杂的三次元结构. 主要应用于车架零组件,包括:车架(Frame)、上管(Top Tube)、车首管、接头(Joints)等,目前国际间领导品牌均有此方向之研究开发.

3. 连接:Unused Transforms未用变形 | Joints连接 | IK Handles逆向运动控制柄

joints 单语例句

1. joints

1. It has bone joints on three parts and is only nourished by blood from two sides.

2. Next, crack the wing and thigh joints where they are connected to the main carcass.

3. The disease is the result of the immune system attacking the joints, causing inflammation and damage to bone and cartilage.

4. Although a wee bit noisy at times, patrons can still feel comfortable without the raised voices and kitchen racket of lesser joints.

5. Lu's next break came in 1980 when he brought his universal joints to attend a national auto component fair in Shandong province.

6. The snow crunches beneath people's feet when they walk and the joints of the log houses creak.

7. The cracks found in the three planes developed in two lines of riveted joints that run the length of the aircraft.

8. The massages help improve digestion and heart functions, as well as loosen knee and hip joints.

9. The first time Wang Libo opened the training simulator of a certain model of missile, he felt dizzy at all those wires and welding joints.

10. The fault could cause the fuel pipe to break at the joints under extreme conditions and the engine could fail to start or stop working.
