joint sentences

joint sentences

joint sentences 双语例句

1. In recent years, with the growing concern on the antiphony of Tang dynasty, researchs began to pay attention to joint sentences poem. To my point of view, the reason of low achievement of poem-joint sentences is the insufficience of further study and the limitation of reserch range, particularly the joint sentence poem of Tang Dynasty lacks further reserch and integrate reserch system. So I determined to make the joint sentences poem of Tang Dynasty (the 1st year of Gaozu Wude-the 4th year of Xuandi Tianyou, year 618–year 907) to be the study subject of my thesis.

2. On the history of joint sentences poem, the first problem is the origin of joint sentences poem.

3. Joint sentences poem reached its peak in Tang Dynasty, although there are short scilence in early Tang Dynasty, but the later outbreak is unprecedented.

4. In the course of reading, I found a collective feature of Tang poets: there is always a founder or organizer of a joint sentences poem, and a considerable number of members to form a fixed group. So I use the grouding

5. Later, some forms of communication poems such as the serial versifying, the same topic poems, joint poem sentences were in bud and blossom.
