1. 玉绿:水晶绿 crystal green | 玉绿 jade green | 石绿 mineral green
2. 翠綠色:Ivory 象牙黃 | Jade green 翠綠色 | Lavender 藕色
3. 翠绿:jade 碧玉 | jade-green 翠绿 | jaded 厌倦的
4. 玉绿色:Jacob's staff 十字测天仪 | Jade green 玉绿色 | jag bolt 棘螺栓
1. Dozens of gorgeous lamp boats speed across green jade waves and sail into the Baijia channel in front of the village.
2. When the light of sun causes the hills to throw their shadows onto the water, the lake has a jade green color.
3. They are no longer making the large pieces unless jade of exceptional quality is found, such as extremely translucent pale green jadeite.
4. jade green
4. Unlike the diverse colors found in Chinese jade, the Mexican stone is mostly green.
5. Because the water is as green as jade, the pond is also called " Yuquan " or Jade Fountain.
6. Here are some of the season's best pieces in jade, malachite and other deep green stones.
7. jade green的意思
7. " Green stone worship is the most significant characteristic in Mexican jade culture, " INAH project manager Miguel Baez says.
8. Jade green legumes against the vermilion of salty egg yolks is a feast for the eyes.
9. His early tea is named Qiandao Jade Leaves, meaning every leaf is green and precious as jade.
10. jade green
10. For centuries Asian rulers and the wider society has had a devoted attachment to the luxurious green stone that is jade.
1. a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green
Synonym: jade