1. 绳梯:jack 千斤顶 | jack ladder 绳梯 | jack plane 粗木刨
2. 木踏板绳梯:jack knifing 吊杆失控 | jack ladder 木踏板绳梯 | jack ladder 木踏板绳梯软梯绳梯
3. 木踏板绳梯软梯绳梯:jack ladder 木踏板绳梯 | jack ladder 木踏板绳梯软梯绳梯 | jack ladder 软梯
4. 软梯:jack ladder 木踏板绳梯软梯绳梯 | jack ladder 软梯 | jack lift 起重吊车
1. JACK: The ladder's broken.
2. Annie and Jack started up the rope ladder.
3. Business: metal processing machinery manufacturing, mold | fixture | Instruments accessories processing | repair and sales of major products: flat-panel inquiry scraping, grinding plate, testing platform, crossed platform, the assembly platform, Maohan platform, surveying platforms, the basic platform, testing platform, welding platform, San Zuobiao platform, combined platform, T-slot splicing platform, parallel-foot, the bridge-foot, rectangular-foot, point-foot, Cubic feet, to me, V-Rail, the partial-place check, the new partial-place, micrometer, school-axis, flatness Qiaoban adjustable, adjustable level of regulation, crossed disk, magnetic to me, magnetic V-type planes, V-shaped pieces of steel planes, machine damping Sizing Block, adjustable Sizing Block, ladder Sizing Block, Pad, chrome-plated jack, the southbound span Jack, Park-testing wand, Park-Jiaochi, table with chrome Park Jiao Chi-chu, Her taper gauge, Her taper shank test rods, 7:24 taper shank test rods, proof-reading Cypriot ring for smooth, sinusoidal regulation, the board cards, aluminum model of the arc, the arc of mold Model-foot aluminum, magnesium-alloy-foot primers, Dummy Bar, granite slab, granite-foot, granite cubic feet, granite, me, V-shaped granite blocks, wrenches Plum, knock - Wrenches, stay wrenches, single wrenches, bending handle wrench, straight handle wrench, convex-wrench, pry bar wrenches, sockets and heavy anti-explosive tool product line.
4. Come on up! she called. Annie and Jack started up the rope ladder. They climbed up the tree house.
5. Jack placed Slim's book back on the stack of books. Then he and Annie left the tree house and climbed down the ladder.
1. (nautical) a hanging ladder of ropes or chains supporting wooden or metal rungs or steps
Synonym: Jacob's ladder pilot ladder