
ivory [ˈaɪvəri]  [ˈaɪvəri, ˈaɪvri] 


ivory 基本解释


名词象牙; 象牙色; 象牙制品; 象牙质

形容词象牙色的; 象牙制的

ivory 相关例句


1. The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories.

ivory 网络解释


1. 象牙色:温馨提示:标准欧码,比国内标准码大一码,建议选购的时候比平时穿的鞋码小一码 --> 象牙色(ivory) 均码(FREE)/ 黑色(black) 均码(FREE) 象牙色(ivory)...

2. 乳白色:颜色 乳白色(ivory)|灰色(Gray)尺码:均码(F)颜色:乳白色(ivory)|灰色(Gray)面料:针织棉尺寸胸围:-cm 肩宽:-袖长:66cm 总长:67cm

3. (象牙白):光柔恒色亲肤粉底液与肌肤完美融合,高效防护,让肌肤隐约灿亮、高度滑嫩. 神奇的持久效果甚至能抵挡易脱妆的严酷与湿热环境. 专为东方女性所设计,全系列共六色: 010 象牙白(Ivory)自然白皙肤色,上妆效果超级漂亮

ivory 词典解释

1. 象牙
    Ivory is a hard cream-coloured substance which forms the tusks of elephants. It is valuable and can be used for making carved ornaments.

    e.g. ...the international ban on the sale of ivory.
    e.g. ...intricate ivory carvings.

2. 象牙色;乳白色
    Ivory is a creamy-white colour.

ivory 单语例句

1. ivory的解释

1. The price also includes a duplicate of the ivory tulle veil worn by the new Dutchess of Cambridge.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. In Saturday's quarterfinals, defending champion Tunisia faces Nigeria and Cameroon plays the Ivory Coast.

3. ivory在线翻译

3. Ivory Coast warplanes had earlier executed a devastating raid on a French army camp killing the nine men and wounding 23 others.

4. ivory在线翻译

4. All were attracted by media reports, saying the craftsmanship of ivory carving is facing extinction and that the factory needs apprentices.

5. Because of the unique skills of ivory carving and the loss of skilled carvers, ivory carving was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2007.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Ivory Coast might have scored earlier in the match but for poor finishing and good defending by Roberto Ayala and Gabriel Heinze in the centre.

7. The chaos erupted Saturday when Ivory Coast warplanes launched a surprise airstrike that killed nine French peacekeepers and a civilian American aid worker.

8. ivory是什么意思

8. Ivory Coast is the world's largest supplier of cocoa, used in chocolate.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. The Ivory Coast conflict has raised fears over cocoa supplies from a country producing 40 percent of the world's crop.

10. College campuses no longer fit the once revered status of an " ivory tower ".

ivory 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a shade of white the color of bleached bones

    Synonym: bone pearl off-white

2. ivory的近义词

2. a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses

    Synonym: tusk
