
invaluable [ɪnˈvæljuəbl]  [ɪnˈvæljuəbəl] 

invaluable 基本解释


形容词无价的; 非常宝贵的; 无法估计的; 金不换

invaluable 同义词


形容词priceless dear precious worthwhile

invaluable 反义词

形容词valueless valuable

invaluable 相关例句



1. His advice has been invaluable to the success of the project.

invaluable 网络解释


1. 无价的:invalid 病人 | invaluable 无价的 | invariably 不变化地

2. 无价的,价值无法衡量的:bouble-cross 出卖,欺骗 | invaluable 无价的,价值无法衡量的 | uprising 起义, 升起

3. [毫无价值:16[过度包装/过重包装?]over packin9 | 17[毫无价值?]invaluable | 18[荷兰式交易?]Dutch bargain

4. 无法估价的:invalidity 无效 | invaluable 无法估价的 | invar spacer 不胀钢间距测量器

invaluable 词典解释

1. 非常宝贵的;极为有用的
    If you describe something as invaluable, you mean that it is extremely useful.

    e.g. I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year...
    e.g. The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics...

Be careful not to confuse the words invaluable, priceless and worthless. Something which is invaluable is very useful indeed. …it has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic. Something which is priceless is so precious that it is difficult to give it a value. …priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini. In contrast, something that is worthless is of very little value. I'm afraid your shares are now worthless.
切勿混淆 invaluable, priceless 与 worthless。invaluable 表示确实非常有用, 例如:it has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic (它有一个拼写检查程序,对有诵读困难的人会大有用处)。 priceless 表示非常珍贵,无法衡量其价值:priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini (卡诺瓦和贝尔尼尼的无价杰作)。与之相对, worthless 表示没有什么价值。例如:I'm afraid your shares are now worthless (恐怕你的股票现在一文不值了)。
invaluable 单语例句

1. invaluable

1. That is an invaluable asset the national leadership is obliged to carry forward.

2. The latter's participation will no doubt be an invaluable supplement to the police authorities'nationwide campaign to crack down on trafficking in children.

3. Their NBA experience will be invaluable to the next generation of hoops stars, which might make the team an Olympic medal contender in the future.

4. This advance behavioral warning from the Shanghai index gives traders and investors invaluable information when it comes to managing the current Western market weakness.

5. invaluable的反义词

5. The present discourse on taxation offers an invaluable opportunity to rethink the fairness of tax burdens and their structures.

6. invaluable在线翻译

6. " Even money can't buy such invaluable experience, " Cheung stressed.

7. Her friend Richard James had tipped her off about an invaluable little gizmo that she carried with her while wandering and singing alfresco.

8. The effect of this is to create invaluable buffers with free trade zones around China.

9. This is invaluable groundwork for public discourse on a workable scheme for further reforms.

10. It has become an invaluable asset in the process of market orientation and industrial restructuring in northeast China.

invaluable 英英释义


1. invaluable的近义词

1. having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth

    Synonym: priceless
