1. 使醉的东西 使醉的:steric hindrance 位阻(现象) | intoxicant 使醉的东西 使醉的 | bane 毒药, 祸害
2. 醉人的东西:intown 市中心的 | intoxicant 醉人的东西 | intoxicate 使陶醉
3. 使醉的东西:timid 胆小的, | intoxicant 使醉的东西n | intoxicate 使喝醉,使陶醉
4. 毒物:intoxication 中毒 | intoxicant 毒物 | intolerance 不耐量
1. Records show he has five misdemeanor convictions dating to 2002 including criminal property damage and operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant.
2. The Intoxicant Hot Spring project is the core of tourism development of the area.
1. a drug that can produce a state of intoxication
2. a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
e.g. alcohol (or drink) ruined him
Synonym: alcohol alcoholic drink alcoholic beverage inebriant
1. causing
Synonym: intoxicating