





intervened 基本解释
出面;阻碍( intervene的过去式和过去分词 );插嘴;介于…之间;
intervened 网络解释

1. 进入了我的生活:something... or rather, someone...|某些事...确切的说...某些人 | intervened.|进入了我的生活 | Hello there.|你好啊

2. 干涉、干预:irritated 恼怒的、生气的 | intervened 干涉、干预 | rectify矫正

3. 干涉、干预、插入:endowed 捐赠、赋予 | intervened 干涉、干预、插入 | provoked 激怒、挑拨

intervened 单语例句

1. Although the city's de facto central bank intervened in the foreign exchange market, a new wave of " hot money " is flooding into Hong Kong.

2. He tried to flee after onlookers intervened, but they gave chase and cornered him hiding under a lorry.

3. Bai said the central government fully supports Macao's chief executive and his administration, and has not intervened in affairs under the SAR government's administrative sphere.

4. The tax authorities would have intervened if there were grounds for concern, she said.

5. The fight then moved to the couple's hotel - where things became so heated the pair exchanged blows in a corridor until security intervened.

6. intervened是什么意思

6. Every time the credit expansion ran into trouble the financial authorities intervened, injecting liquidity and finding other ways to stimulate the economy.

7. intervened在线翻译

7. The government departments concerned intervened only when the media exposed a criminal case related to Internet games.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Hostages are generally released unharmed after a payment is made to the captors, although two died in the crossfire when security forces intervened.

9. The HKMA has intervened in the exchange market three times since Saturday and bought more than HK $ 10 billion worth of the US currency.

10. The ship's crew held off the attack with flares until a Danish navy frigate intervened and sank the pirates'boat.
