
intensity [ɪnˈtensəti]  [ɪnˈtɛnsɪti] 



intensity 基本解释

名词强度; 烈度; 强烈; (感情的)强烈程度

intensity 相关例句


1. The poem showed great intensity of feeling.

intensity 网络解释

1. 亮度:(2)亮度(Intensity)影像:(3)二值(Binary)影像:红、绿、蓝(RGB)影像,是表示彩色影像的一个标准方式. 在Matlab中若一个m× n大小的影像,则分别会有三个m× n的RGB矩阵来储存这个影像的RGB资料.

2. 烈度:虽然都是描述地震,强度和烈度两个完全不同的概念.强度用震级(MAGNITUDE)衡量,指的是地震时释放的能量.烈度(INTENSITY)则是指地震造成的危害.很明显,一个地震的强度是固定的,而同一强度的地震,

3. 光强:同时他们设计了一些具有典型意义的色彩因子代表了彩色图像的光强(Intensity),单相、两相色彩对比度(One,Two-ColorContrast)等,并通过这些因子的组合来实现农田作物的分割.

intensity 单语例句

1. It also plans to decrease unit GDP carbon intensity and increase productivity by increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix.

2. intensity的解释

2. The intensity and velocity with which the world became submerged in a steep economic crisis took all the nations of our globe by surprise.

3. intensity

3. Carbon intensity is the amount of carbon by weight emitted per unit of energy consumed.

4. intensity的反义词

4. A rough calculation shows that the country has to cut energy intensity deeper than any of the previous four years to reach that goal.

5. People cannot stand but have to crawl in a quake of such intensity, according to the Japanese agency's definition.

6. Onegin employs Cranko's distinctive choreographic style to capture the original story's emotional intensity, potent drama and tragic ironies with striking fidelity and perceptiveness.


7. China has adopted a new and more activist stance at the international negotiations and at home reducing energy intensity is a serious new national priority.

8. Industry in Canada has made significant strides in reducing the carbon intensity and water use in its oil sands.

9. The country has set a goal of reducing its energy intensity by 16 percent and carbon intensity by 17 percent during the same period.

10. The many facets of different development paths cannot be explained by a simple ratio of carbon intensity.

intensity 英英释义


1. chromatic purity: freedom from dilution with white and hence vivid in hue

    Synonym: saturation chroma vividness

2. intensity的近义词

2. the magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction)

    e.g. the kids played their music at full volume

    Synonym: volume loudness

3. high level or degree
    the property of being intense

    Synonym: intensiveness

4. the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)

    e.g. he adjusted the intensity of the sound
           they measured the station's signal strength

    Synonym: strength intensity level
