
intelligentsia [ɪnˌtelɪˈdʒentsiə]  [inˌtɛləˈdʒɛntsiə, -ˈɡɛnt-] 

intelligentsia 基本解释


名词知识分子; 知识界

intelligentsia 网络解释

1. 知識份子:难怪苏联思想史专家列斯里.钱伯伦(LesleyChamberlain)说他是真正的俄罗斯知识份子(intelligentsia),总把自己的命运和俄罗斯的命运紧紧联系在一起. 在漫天风雪之中,他被人遗忘,独自怀念俄罗斯的昔日光荣与未来复兴,成了一具过时的大钟,

2. 知识分子的总称,知识界,知识阶层:Itinerant 巡回的 | Intelligentsia 知识分子的总称,知识界,知识阶层 | Jack 千斤顶

intelligentsia 词典解释

1. 知识分子;知识阶层;知识界
    The intelligentsia in a country or community are the most educated people there, especially those interested in the arts, philosophy, and politics.

    e.g. I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.

intelligentsia 单语例句

1. This little book lists some 200 words and phrases that come in handy when one wants to impress people like the New York intelligentsia.

2. Even the Western intelligentsia feels disgusted with the party system and the farce of elections.

3. Sinologist Alden Kuhn's 1990 book has continued to enjoy popularity among China's intelligentsia.

4. intelligentsia在线翻译

4. Misled by economic prosperity over some time, many in the Chinese intelligentsia harbor a weak understanding of international competition and crises.

5. intelligentsia

5. Artists mulled around and the small intelligentsia that constituted the " Chinese Art World " exchanged business cards and remarks over the sculptures.

6. Its intelligentsia and its scientists remain very creative, and are among the best in many fields.

7. It is difficult to find substitutes for intelligentsia to exporting culture and values.

8. intelligentsia在线翻译

8. They arrange informal lectures on topics such as the link between Chinese intelligentsia and kungfu.

9. University students are supposed to be the cream of our budding youth, and expected to become the intelligentsia and backbone of our society.

intelligentsia 英英释义


1. an educated and intellectual elite

    Synonym: clerisy
