1. 说明:如何根据各省情况定义这些紧缺行业,海外的哪些资质可以被加拿大认可等问题,以帮助签证官(VO)确定哪些申请复合这些行业因此需要优先处理,哪些不符合因此优先级较低. 相关紧缺职业及海外资历认可的说明(instructions)将会在cic网站公布.
1. The cacophony of instructions adds a somewhat musical note to the eeriness of the scene.
2. Xi called for implementation of instructions by President Hu Jintao on the development of the Party.
3. Article 23 Party organizations in the Chinese People's Liberation Army carry on their work in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee.
4. Nor he had not given specific instructions to his gang to engage in gun trading, drug trafficking and casino operation.
5. It provides a pictorial glossary of Chinese herbs, acupressure techniques and even instructions on how to grow goji berries.
6. A nearby schoolhouse believed to be used for training terrorists had instructions for making roadside bombs written on a chalkboard.
7. instructions
7. It features pictures of the mother and each octuplet and has instructions for making donations by check or credit card.
8. On the instructions of the Indian leaders, a medical team was sent to China to nurse the wounded Chinese soldiers.
9. The city's public health bureau released detailed instructions on the clinical use of antibiotics yesterday.
10. CNN's video also showed a makeshift classroom for training militants that included flight plans and instructions on how to shoot down aircraft.
1. instructions
1. a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
Synonym: instruction manual book of instructions operating instructions