
insouciance [ɪnˈsu:siəns]  [ɪnˈsusiəns, ˌæŋsuˈsjɑŋs] 

insouciance 基本解释

名词不在乎; 不注意

insouciance 网络解释

1. 漫不经心:insonate 受声波作用 | insouciance 漫不经心 | insouciant 漫不经心的

2. 无忧无虑:insonate 使受声波作用 | insouciance 无忧无虑 | insoucianceunconcern 漫不经心

3. 漫不经心,无忧无虑:Strenuous 奋发的,费劲的,使劲的 | Insouciance 漫不经心,无忧无虑 | Minimal 最小的,最简单艺术派的

4. 闲情逸致(程雨民译):D.H.LAWRENCE戴.赫.劳伦斯 | Insouciance 闲情逸致(程雨民译) | JOYCE CARY乔伊斯.凯利

insouciance 词典解释

1. 漠不关心;漫不经心
    Insouciance is lack of concern shown by someone about something which they might be expected to take more seriously.

    e.g. He replied with characteristic insouciance: 'So what?'

insouciance 单语例句

1. While other divas in the regional Chinese pop scene may get by with peddling insouciance, she is known for her modesty and friendliness.

insouciance 英英释义


1. the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you

    Synonym: carefreeness lightheartedness lightsomeness
