
insensitive [ɪnˈsensətɪv]  [ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv] 

insensitive 基本解释


形容词不敏感的; 感觉迟钝的; (对某事物)无感觉的; (对变化)懵然不知的

insensitive 网络解释


1. 不敏感:可以实现后台的ftp上传和下载,这样我就可以利用这些命令在后台上传和下载文件了.

Windows下星际译王(StarDict)的安装INSENSITIVE - 当构件被设置为不敏感(insensitive)时,它不能被激活,相应属性值起作用.

2. 不敏感的:insensible 意识不到的 | insensitive 不敏感的 | insensitivity 感觉迟钝

3. 感觉迟钝的:un-grateful 不领情的 | insensitive 感觉迟钝的 | undermine 逐渐损害

4. 第十四集:第十三集:Needle.In.A.Haystack | 第十四集:Insensitive | 第十五集:Half-Wit

insensitive 词典解释

1. 不敏感的;感觉迟钝的;麻木不仁的
    If you describe someone as insensitive, you are criticizing them for being unaware of or unsympathetic to other people's feelings.

    e.g. I feel my husband is very insensitive about my problem.

I was ashamed at my insensitivity towards her.

2. 漠视的;不在乎的;毫不在意的
    Someone who is insensitive to a situation or to a need does not think or care about it.

    e.g. Women's and Latino organizations that say he is insensitive to civil rights.

...insensitivity to the environmental consequences.

3. insensitive的解释

3. (对体感)没有感觉的,麻木的
    Someone who is insensitive to a physical sensation is unable to feel it.

    e.g. He had become insensitive to cold.

insensitive 单语例句

1. insensitive的翻译

1. It is rather the usually improbable scenario that their guard dogs become insensitive to signs of threat.

2. Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams on Saturday called the trip " premature and insensitive ".

3. insensitive在线翻译

3. The newspaper and the photographer were criticized for being " too insensitive and sensationalist ", showing how highly the majority of the people across the world regard life.

4. insensitive在线翻译

4. Opponents of the Islamic center project argue it's insensitive to the families and memories of September 11 victims to build a mosque so close.

5. It prompted hundreds of angry comments on a variety of Thai websites that denounced the company as insensitive and selfish.

6. Wong criticized the EDB for its " lack of care and concern ", and its " insensitive attitude that harms the children of ethnic minority ".

7. insensitive的近义词

7. Over the coming months, these will replace existing public signs that are inadvertently humorous or insensitive.

8. The report has aroused massive criticism in Chinese cyberspace, with critics calling the journalists insensitive.

9. insensitive在线翻译

9. The NAACP branch in neighboring Oakland County and other civil rights groups have criticized the auction as insensitive.

10. It was criticized as racially insensitive by Texas Democrats, and they are demanding an apology.

insensitive 英英释义


1. not responsive to physical stimuli

    e.g. insensitive to radiation

2. deficient in human sensibility
    not mentally or morally sensitive

    e.g. insensitive to the needs of the patients
