
inoculator [ɪ'nɒkjʊleɪtə]  [ɪn'ɒkjəˌleɪtə] 

inoculator 基本解释


inoculator 网络解释

1. 接种器:inoculation syringe 接种注射器 | inoculator 接种器 | inoma 纤维瘤

2. 接种者:inoculation 接种 | inoculator 接种者 | inoculum 接种体

3. 接种者;注射者;孕育剂:inoculation 接种;移殖;接枝;灌输;加孕育剂法 | inoculator 接种者;注射者;孕育剂 | inoculum 接种物

4. 注射员:Inland Revenue Department Assessing Officers' Association, The 税务局评税专业人员协会 | Inoculator 注射员 | input 意见;投入资源;投入的人力物力

inoculator 双语例句

1. The immunity effect was influenced by the age of inoculator, and showing decrease with the age increasing. An immunogenic advantage of CHO recombinant vaccine was suggested by the older then 60 years with antibody response 87.0%, and the geometric mean titers were 385.89 mIU/ml.
    接种者的年龄对免疫效果有影响,随年龄增长免疫效果下降。60岁以上的人群接种CHO乙肝疫苗后阳转率为87.0%,GMT为385.89 mIU/ml。

2. The effects of graphite form of gray cast iron on chemical composition, cooling rate and inoculator are investigated. The condition of shaping A, B, C, D, E and F graphite form of gray cast iron is discussed.


3. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by agar dilution method using multipoint inoculator.


4. The effect of sterilization using ozone produced from inoculator in air sterilization, strain isolation, tube-transfering and sterilizing operation of strain extending in edible fungi production is satisfactory through years laboratory verification, teaching experiment and pilot production.

inoculator 英英释义


1. a medical practitioner who inoculates people against diseases

    Synonym: vaccinator
