
injunction [ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃn]  [ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃən] 


injunction 基本解释


injunction 相关例句


1. The court issued an injunction that picketing (should) not take place.

injunction 网络解释

1. 禁制令:其对知识产权之保障主要有以下几类:根据<<专利条例>>香港的专利制度可分为标准专利 (Standard patent) 及短期专利 (Short-term patent) 两类. 民事赔偿: (a) 禁制令 (injunction)(1) 商标、版权、新产品设计、专利、商业秘密等等均受到普通法 (Common Law) 的保障.

2. 命令:法院禁止支付命令(INJUNCTION)一般系由下列何者通知押汇银行?36. 电子信用状统一惯例(eUCP)是国际商会所订,并於何时起实施?(1)除非经信用状授权,汇票应以无追索权(WITHOUT RECOURSE)方式签发(2)信用状如规定发票须经签证(VISAED)时,

injunction 词典解释

1. (法院下的)强制令,禁制令
    An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something.

    e.g. He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.

2. 命令;指令;训谕
    An injunction to do something is an order or strong request to do it.

    e.g. We hear endless injunctions to build a sense of community among staff.

injunction 单语例句

1. injunction什么意思

1. The charge seeks " an injunction against the NBA's unlawful bargaining practices and its unlawful lockout threat ".

2. The judge in the civil case also issued a permanent injunction banning any sale, license or use of the photos and videotape.

3. A preliminary injunction of a civil court must be unconditionally observed by the opposing party immediately upon being served.

4. Federal prosecutors are seeking an injunction to close Congonhas until the investigation is over, a process expected to take months.

5. The club management had been seeking an injunction from the administrative court, and was allowed to remain open while the case progressed.

6. A judge could decide as early as Monday whether to order an injunction to halt construction.

7. Residents vacated at least 200 homes facing the border corridor after the court injunction was lifted.

8. injunction

8. CALT filed a complaint and the Fengtai Court issued an injunction against Huaqi and hand assessed damages of 100 thousand Yuan plus cost.

9. injunction的解释

9. He pointed out that the lawsuit could be lengthy and Huawei will not suspend the trial network construction unless the Shenzhen court issues an injunction.

10. injunction什么意思

10. Zhao's shop was inside the premises of the Gladden Hotel, and the court granted an injunction calling for destruction of infringing products.

injunction 英英释义



1. (law) a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity

    e.g. injunction were formerly obtained by writ but now by a judicial order

    Synonym: enjoining enjoinment cease and desist order

2. a formal command or admonition
