
inhabit [ɪnˈhæbɪt]  [ɪnˈhæbɪt] 







inhabit 基本解释


及物动词居住; 在…出现; 填满


inhabit 同义词

动词lodge dwell occupy live room reside stay

inhabit 反义词


inhabit 相关例句


1. They inhabit the tropical forests.

2. Thoughts inhabit his mind.

3. Before the arrival of the white man, Australia was inhabited solely by Aborigines.

inhabit 网络解释

1. 居住:哥哥速度会烦躁(grate),哥哥成熟会抱怨 (gripe) 里面惰性(inert)怕敏捷(pert),向外作用才施加(exert) 爱速度愤怒(irate),O 速度演讲(orate),怕速度闲聊(prate),既怕又爱才盗版(pirate) a 居住(inhabit),i 禁止(inhibit),

2. 居住,栖息於:ingress 进入 | inhabit 居住,栖息於 | inhale 吸入

3. 住用:ingress point 入口 | inhabit 住用 | inhabitant 居民

inhabit 词典解释

1. 居住于;栖居在
    If a place or region is inhabited by a group of people or a species of animal, those people or animals live there.

    e.g. The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.
    e.g. ...the people who inhabit these islands.

inhabit 单语例句

1. Some of China's ethnic groups inhabit vast areas, while others live in individual compact communities in small areas or live in mixture.

2. inhabit

2. But it is each American's Constitutional right to marry the person they love, no matter what state they inhabit.

3. More than one hundred species of aquatic, creepy and island animals inhabit the nature reserve.

4. The compound represents the typical architecture of the Hakka people, a subgroup of ethnic Han who inhabit southern China.

5. inhabit

5. These goods are not for those who inhabit this world, but for those who have departed into the next.

6. He did months of research to be able to inhabit Hoover fully.

7. The creatures that inhabit this world are just a tenth of an inch tall and live in perfect harmony with their environment.

8. According to the records of the ancient times, people started to inhabit here as early as in the Neolithic Era.

9. If you love the land, you'll also love the people who inhabit it.

10. About 500 are estimated to live in the wild worldwide, most of which inhabit eastern Russia while only about 20 live in northeast China.

inhabit 英英释义



1. inhabit or live in
    be an inhabitant of

    e.g. People lived in Africa millions of years ago
           The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted
           this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean
           deer are populating the woods

    Synonym: populate dwell live

2. be present in

    e.g. sweet memories inhabit this house

3. exist or be situated within

    e.g. Strange notions inhabited her mind

    Synonym: dwell
