
infuriated [ɪnf'jʊərɪeɪtɪd]  [ɪnf'jʊərɪeɪtɪd] 






infuriated 基本解释
使大怒,激怒( infuriate的过去式和过去分词 );
infuriated 网络解释

1. 激怒的:indifferent 冷漠 | infuriated 激怒的 | intimidated 恐惧

2. 极为愤怒的:12、 Billow扬起 | 13、 Infuriated极为愤怒的 | 14、 Sobbing 抽泣的

3. 狂怒:狂喜 - ecstatic | 狂怒 - infuriated | 生气 - angry

4. 激怒:indignant 愤概 | infuriated * 激怒 | irritated 激怒了

infuriated 单语例句


1. They even " infuriated " him by sending a " letter of rejection ".

2. Wenger was infuriated by the way United set out to disrupt Arsenal's smooth passing game by flying into tackles with aggressive intent.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has infuriated members of Ireland's ruling Fianna Fail party by backing opponents Fine Gael to win the country's next parliamentary election.

4. Many Chinese cooks in the United Kingdom are infuriated by the clampdown, accusing the Europeans of having no knowledge about the art of cooking Peking duck.

5. More than 100 infuriated consumers blocked the two service stations to demand solutions after learning from repair shops that substandard gasoline caused the malfunction.

6. infuriated在线翻译

6. This infuriated Zhao who barged into a room where a teacher was questioning Cai and stabbed him fatally.

7. A netizen named Fruitful Autumn said the public was infuriated by the fact toxic wastes were allowed into their country.

8. But there is fault in Yu and Wang who lost so deliberately that infuriated billions.

9. infuriated什么意思

9. But they infuriated the priest as they started to kiss and embrace while he was chanting vedic hymns.

10. He infuriated Japan in November by making the first visit by a Russian leader to one of the islands.

infuriated 英英释义


1. infuriated在线翻译

1. marked by extreme anger

    e.g. the enraged bull attached
           furious about the accident
           a furious scowl
           infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy
           could not control the maddened crowd

    Synonym: angered enraged furious maddened
