名词基础设施; 基础建设
1. 基本建设:秃鹫的学名叫作PE(Private Equity Investment),也称为私募股权投资,是对非上市公司进行的股权投资,广义的私募股权投资包括发展资本(Development Finance)、夹层资本(Mezzanine Finance)、基本建设(Infrastructure)、管理层收购或杠杆收购
2. 基础建设:IT基础建设 (Infrastructure)的进化论很快意的飙网生活,不是吗?User的行动力是提升了,但同时也增加了企业IT的风险:随意下载的软体元件,会不会夹带恶意程式,然后在你登入企业内部网路时散布出去? 面对这些一天到晚趴趴走的业务,
3. 基础:7.对等(Ad-hoc)无线局域网配置知识8.基础(Infrastructure)无线局域网配置知识7.能配置Windows Server远程访问拨入用户服务(RADIUS)7.虚拟专用网络(VPN)知识9.入侵检测系统(IDS)基础
1. (国家、社会、组织赖以行使职能的)基础建设,基础设施
The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function.
e.g. ...investment in infrastructure...
e.g. The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit.
1. The yearbook evaluated 58 key countries on economic and corruption indicators, government and business efficiency along with infrastructure and exports.
2. The government will act as supervisor over the operators of infrastructure facilities.
3. China also offers Indonesia preferential buyer's credit for their cooperation in infrastructure.
4. She said the need for Dow Corning products is growing as China, its infrastructure and its buying power develop.
5. The fourth aspect includes further strengthening cooperation in infrastructure construction by means of investing and contracting.
6. Their role in sustaining jobs can never be replaced by State endeavors, including the job opportunities in infrastructure development.
7. This project consists of the reconstruction of telecom infrastructure, and the deployment of the Internet and cable television broadcasting system.
8. The UK is poised to take similar action, " allowing " local government pension funds to invest in infrastructure projects.
9. We should continue doing a good job in developing major projects in transportation, energy resources and water conservancy as well as in rural infrastructure.
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10. She added Latin America needs a large amount of capital to build infrastructure and develop mining and manufacturing companies.
1. the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area
e.g. the industrial base of Japan
Synonym: base
2. the basic structure or features of a system or organization
Synonym: substructure