
inflow [ˈɪnfləʊ]  [ˈɪnfloʊ] 



inflow 基本解释


名词流入,注入; 流入物; 内流,吸入

inflow 网络解释


1. 现金流入:具体来说,就是做好现金流入(inflow)和流出(outflow)的配比,避免出现诸如流入集中在月末,而流出却集中在月中的情况. 在资金不能配比时,资金部门就要与所有部门去协调,以拉平这条波动的线,并尽可能将其降低. 因为资金占用会产生机会成本及其他成本,

2. 流入量:目前,全球服务业占全部FDI流入量(inflow)的2/3,约为5000亿美元. 第二,从服务业的外向FDI和内向FDI看,发达国家仍处于主导地位. 第三,服务业FDI的部门与行业结构在发生变化. 到目前为止,服务业FDI集中于贸易与金融,

3. 流入,吸入,进气:inflator 充气机 | inflow 流入,吸入,进气 | influence 影响,感应

inflow 词典解释

1. 流入;涌入
    If there is an inflow of money or people into a place, a large amount of money or people move into a place.

    e.g. The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money.
    e.g. ...the inflow of immigrants from Eastern Europe

inflow 单语例句

1. The regulator said capital inflow pressures have eased since May partly due to weaker expectations for yuan appreciation.

2. The first aspect was that the new rule stresses a balance between capital inflow and outflow.


3. Thanks to the inflow of both private capital and foreign investment, competition among the media in general has been hotting up in China in recent years.

4. inflow是什么意思

4. China and other East Asia countries will witness increased inflow of international capital, swelling their foreign exchange reserve and lifting their capital price.

5. inflow的反义词

5. " The state of pure capital inflow has been reversed, " said Han.

6. inflow在线翻译

6. Reducing the trade surplus and capital inflow is now a policy goal.

7. Aggregate capital inflow since October last year has reached a record HK $ 500 billion, he revealed.

8. But Liu said the increased trade volume and capital inflow have also caused friction.

9. The issuance of A shares represents an important channel for increasing its capital inflow and improving its capital structure.

10. He adds that the government's tighter controls on foreign exchange capital inflow has made money from overseas much harder to use at home.

inflow 英英释义



1. the process of flowing in

    Synonym: influx
