
infliction [ɪn'flɪkʃn]  [ɪnˈflɪkʃən] 

infliction 基本解释

名词施加; 蒙受; 施加的事物; 痛苦的经历

infliction 网络解释

1. 施加:inflicter 加害者 | infliction 施加 | inflictive 加以打击的

2. 处罚:inference 推理;推论 | infliction 处罚 | informal adjudication 非正式裁决

3. (强加于人身的)痛苦,刑罚:inflict 使遭受(损伤,苦痛等),使承受(on,upo | infliction (强加于人身的)痛苦,刑罚 | inflictive 予以打击的; 痛苦的; 科以刑罚的

4. 施加; 施加的事物 (名):inflicter 课加者 (名) | infliction 施加; 施加的事物 (名) | inflictive 加以打击的; 使人难过的 (形)

infliction 单语例句

1. infliction什么意思

1. In 2003 in spite of the SARS epidemic and the infliction of natural disaster the Chinese economy still kept a rapid growth.

2. Heather is seeking the money for assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

infliction 英英释义


1. infliction

1. an act causing pain or damage

2. infliction的意思

2. the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)

    Synonym: imposition

3. something or someone that causes trouble
    a source of unhappiness

    e.g. washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer
           a bit of a bother
           he's not a friend, he's an infliction

    Synonym: annoyance bother botheration pain pain in the neck pain in the ass
