
inflated [ɪnˈfleɪtɪd]  [ɪnˈfletɪd] 





inflated 基本解释


形容词(价格)飞涨的; (通货)膨胀的; <贬>言过其实的; 充了气的

动词使充气(于轮胎、气球等)( inflate的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)膨胀; (使)通货膨胀; 物价上涨

inflated 网络解释

1. 膨胀的:但是,准确反馈与那些膨胀的(inflated)有利自我概念相矛盾. 只要自评超过实际,个体就可能对威胁反馈产生弥散性敏感,研究表明,有利自我概念的个体其自我概念充满膨胀色彩[8]. 鉴于反馈信息趋于准确,其主观影响取决于接收者的自评是真实的还是膨胀的.

2. 膨胀的, 夸张的, 通货膨胀的:electrical piano 电钢琴 | inflated 膨胀的, 夸张的, 通货膨胀的 | ammonium hyposulfite 连二亚硫酸铵

3. 通货膨胀的;(股价存在)泡沫的,价格过高的:Dominate 支配, 占优势;控制 | Inflated 通货膨胀的;(股价存在)泡沫的,价格过高的 | Consortium 社团, 协会, 联盟, (国际)财团

4. 已充气式:106 单独材 individual member | 108 已充气式 inflated | 109 内陆水道 inland water

inflated 单语例句

1. The company has been reeling since Michael Woodford disclosed inflated takeover costs after he was fired as chief executive officer on Oct 14.

2. It also functions to ensure the suit be inflated in conformity with the preset shape for the comfort of the astronaut.

3. In terms of coping with this newly inflated workload, it is paramount that you prioritize your tasks to manage your time effectively.

4. inflated的解释

4. Widespread public doubt about inflated salary figures for 2008 has brought the credibility of China's statistics officials into question once again.

5. The dog was stuck to the balloon's inflated crotch, wagging its tail.

6. That created a greater demand for houses, which in turn inflated housing prices.

7. Auditors found that Anxian county in Sichuan inflated its losses from the quake when planning dike construction in its new county seat.

8. Domestic enterprises'complaints that the new law inflated operational costs have obviously got policymakers'ear.

9. Many local merchants capitalized on the stranded drivers'predicament by offering food and drink at inflated prices.

10. Inflated budgets, relocation of locals and endlessly delayed construction didn't help matters.

inflated 英英释义


1. inflated的反义词

1. enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness

    e.g. a hyperbolic style

    Synonym: hyperbolic

2. pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals)

    e.g. high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school
           a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution

    Synonym: high-flown high-sounding
