
ineffaceable [ˌɪnɪ'feɪsəbl]  [ˌɪnə'feɪsəbəl] 

ineffaceable 基本解释

形容词不可磨灭; 不能消除的

ineffaceable 网络解释

1. 不能除去的:ineffably 难以言喻地 | ineffaceable 不能除去的 | ineffective 无效的

2. 抹不掉的,不能消除的:unspotted 清白的,无污点的 | ineffaceable 抹不掉的,不能消除的 | disagreeable 讨厌的,乖戾的

3. 不能消除的:ineffaceable 不能抹杀的 | ineffaceable 不能消除的 | ineffaceableirrevocable 不能取消的

4. 不能抹杀的:ineffably 难以形容地 | ineffaceable 不能抹杀的 | ineffaceable 不能消除的

ineffaceable 双语例句


1. As a marshal of the PLA, Luo Ronghuan made an ineffaceable contribut ion to the theory and practice in our army's cadre work during his military car eer of 36 years.

2. This is the ineffaceable track of the greatest single avalanche in recorded history.

3. Conversely, we can also say that the development of society and culture has left ineffaceable marks on the human body.

4. There is an ineffaceable mark on my skirt.


5. Reagan`s government took ineffaceable credit for itself for the ten-year economic prosperity in 1990`s.


6. Every trip changes me in certain ways. Even without actual records, some images are ineffaceable.

7. The outstanding achievement that although you are ineffaceable, they had obtained, but once their outstanding achievement turns bad, so they are in 36 times city to be filled with the stock of rate will be breakneck.


8. Reagan's government took ineffaceable credit for itself for the ten-year economic prosperity in1990's.

9. This land left ineffaceable impression upon me.


10. By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. This is the ineffaceable track of the greatest single avalanche in recorded history.
