1. 就任者:inductance 感应系数 | inductee 就任者 | inductile 不能延伸的
2. 应召入伍的士兵:induct 使就职 | inductee 应召入伍的士兵 | inductee 就任者
3. 就任者/应召入伍的士兵:inductance /感应系数/自感应/ | inductee /就任者/应召入伍的士兵/ | inductile /不能延伸的/无延性的/不屈曲的/
4. 就任者; 应召入伍的士兵 (名):inductance 感应系数; 感应线圈, 感应器; 电感 (名) | inductee 就任者; 应召入伍的士兵 (名) | induction coil 感应线圈
1. He also was an inductee in the Radio Hall of Fame, as was Lynne.
1. someone who is drafted into military service
2. inductee的近义词
2. a person inducted into an organization or social group
e.g. Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth were 1936 inductees in the National Baseball Hall of Fame