
individualism [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm]  [ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəˌlɪzəm] 


individualism 基本解释

名词个人主义,利己主义; 自由放任主义; 个性,独特性; 不干涉主义

individualism 反义词


individualism 网络解释


1. 个性:银幕方向可以提示对立(antagonism)、个性(individualism)、冲突(conflict)等. 运动的画格可以表现变化、类似或差异,或与此相反的静态(stasis). 电影诞生伊始,像列夫.库里肖夫这样的电影理论家就一直努力了解人眼对于视觉刺激(visual stimuli)的反应.

individualism 词典解释

1. 个性;特立独行
    You use individualism to refer to the behaviour of someone who likes to think and do things in their own way, rather than imitating other people.

    e.g. He is struck by what he calls the individualism of American officers.

2. (国家对经济、政治的)不干涉主义,自由放任主义
    Individualism is the belief that economics and politics should not be controlled by the state.

    e.g. ...the strong individualism in their political culture.

individualism 单语例句

1. Despite being influenced tremendously by the individualism prevailing in American culture, the Japanese people have managed to sustain a kind of collectivism.

2. Also, social transformation from collectivism to individualism has strengthened the notion of privacy among young people.

3. It is quite interesting when you consider actually it is the West that is famous for individualism and the East collectivism.


4. Western society emphasizes the concept of individualism, while Chinese society has from time immemorial attached great importance to collectivism.

5. In the initial stage of national development, collectivism is much more efficient than individualism.

6. individualism

6. I took it to mean that I should lay low and remain modest, contrary to some of the teachings about individualism I encountered in the West.

7. At a time when individualism is being increasingly stressed, such a policy risks igniting controversy and inviting criticism for too much administrative involvement.

8. There is no better showcase than the world of contemporary art when it comes to reflecting China's march toward a more ear of individualism.

9. Chen has a team of interior designers to create tasteful homes for young Chinese intellectuals, who value high quality of life and individualism.

10. The reason for divorce is usually " incompatible personalities ", but Qu says a new individualism has taken a grip on young Chinese.

individualism 英英释义


1. the quality of being individual

    e.g. so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality

    Synonym: individuality individuation

2. the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs

    Synonym: laissez faire

3. a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence
