
indefensible [ˌɪndɪˈfensəbl]  [ˌɪndɪˈfɛnsəbəl] 

indefensible 基本解释


indefensible 网络解释


1. 站不住脚的:complimentary 称赞的,问候的 | indefensible 站不住脚的 | misgiving 疑虑

2. 不能防卫的:indefensible 无辩护余地的 | indefensible 不能防卫的 | indefensibly 不能防御地

3. 无辩护余地的:indefensibility 无法防卫 | indefensible 无辩护余地的 | indefensible 不能防卫的

4. 不能防卫的, 无辩护余地的 (形):indefensibility 无法防卫 (名) | indefensible 不能防卫的, 无辩护余地的 (形) | indefinable 不能下定义的; 不确定的 (形)

indefensible 词典解释

1. 站不住脚的;无可辩解的
    If you say that a statement, action, or idea is indefensible, you mean that it cannot be justified or supported because it is completely wrong or unacceptable.

    e.g. His action was indefensible...
    e.g. She described the new policy as 'morally indefensible'.

2. 无法防御的;无法保卫的
    Places or buildings that are indefensible cannot be defended if they are attacked.

    e.g. The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible.

indefensible 单语例句

1. indefensible的意思

1. It's tempting to feel sorry for the authorities that have to deal with such protests, because they are put in an indefensible position.

2. Bush said Iran's position was indefensible and there should be no prerequisites for the British sailors'release.

3. So indefensible was the US claim that China has been slow to fulfil its promises on opening markets.

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4. " It's both emotionally and morally indefensible for the student group to act indifferently, " Xia said.

indefensible 英英释义


1. incapable of being justified or explained

    Synonym: insupportable unjustifiable unwarrantable unwarranted

2. (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified

    Synonym: untenable

3. indefensible

3. not able to be protected against attack
