
incorporate [ɪnˈkɔ:pəreɪt]  [ɪnˈkɔ:rpəreɪt]








incorporate 基本解释

及物动词包含; 组成公司; 使混合; 使具体化

不及物动词合并; 包含; 吸收; 混合

incorporate 相关例句


1. We'll incorporate the new plan with the old.

2. When his business became large, he incorporated it.

3. Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.

4. He was incorporated a member of the college.


1. Mr. Smith's firm incorporated with others last year.

incorporate 网络解释

1. 合并:在美国,很多市镇是用公司合并(Incorporate)的方法组成的.跟我们在前文提及的大厦业 主联会一样,这些市政府有法例,委员及市长,而其行政方式亦跟大厦联会相同--民主与独裁 决策并存.因为不满意省或县政府的服务,合并后的市政府就会执行雇用警察,

2. 包含:因此,承担谓述功能的谓词项不是名字,却可被替换为包含(incorporate)名字的表达式. 它们隐含地包含了共相的名字,它们可被称为与共相指称式地相关联. 实在论者还需对针对(a)的批评进行回应. 根据(a),只有不同的对象例示了一个唯一的(one and the same)共相,

3. 纳入:因此,作为国家政权建设的一部分,职代会的基本功能是整合职工对政体的支持,同时在基层的决策者和职工之间提供制度化联系,将不同的社会需求纳入(incorporate )体制的掌握之中.

incorporate 词典解释

1. 包含;吸收
    If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.

    e.g. The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.

2. 把…合并;使并入
    If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.

    e.g. The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force...
    e.g. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.

...the incorporation of Piedmont Airlines and PSA into US Air.
incorporate 单语例句

1. This will enable members of the public to incorporate companies and obtain business registration in one go electronically.

2. The NBS will release the country's property price index on Friday, the first time it will incorporate a revised method of calculation.

3. Experts and analysts call for removal of restrictions to incorporate a wider range of institutional investors into the structured product market.

4. How investors incorporate this analysis into their investment activity depends on their beliefs about the gold market.

5. William Hanna and Joe Barbera had years of cartoon success behind them, but wanted to try something different - a series that would incorporate contemporary human characters.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Instead of only reaching out to three Chinese cities, it will cast its net much wider this year to incorporate over 20 cities.

7. incorporate

7. The census methodology needs to incorporate these additional factors, and people collecting data have to be taught and trained accordingly.

8. Qi said it was a substantial change for China to incorporate plans addressing climate change into national planning for coordinated economic and social development.


9. We need a comprehensive method that would incorporate administrative power, market players and the people into a cohesive force to tackle environment damage.

10. incorporate的意思

10. The guideline says the government aims to incorporate production capacity in the coming years and upgrade industrial structures in order to increase enterprises'international competitiveness.

incorporate 英英释义


1. incorporate的解释

1. make into a whole or make part of a whole

    e.g. She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal

    Synonym: integrate

2. unite or merge with something already in existence

    e.g. incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case

3. incorporate在线翻译

3. form a corporation

4. include or contain
    have as a component

    e.g. A totally new idea is comprised in this paper
           The record contains many old songs from the 1930's

    Synonym: contain comprise


1. formed or united into a whole

    Synonym: incorporated integrated merged unified
