
incendiary [ɪnˈsendiəri]  [ɪnˈsendieri] 


incendiary 基本解释

形容词煽动的; 燃烧的; 纵火的; 引火的

名词纵火犯; 易燃物; 煽动者

incendiary 网络解释


1. 燃烧弹:灵魂歌手 Soul Men 2008 | 燃烧弹 Incendiary 2008 | 燃烧的平原 The Burning Plain 2008

2. 放火的:incendiary origin 放火原因 | incendiary 放火的 | incendiarysuspicious fire 放火放火嫌疑火灾

3. 纵火的:incendiary bomb 燃烧弹 | incendiary 纵火的 | incendive 易燃烧的

4. 纵火者;可引起燃烧的东西;放火的;煽动性的:incasion interface 侵入界面 | incendiary 纵火者;可引起燃烧的东西;放火的;煽动性的 | incense 香;焚香时的烟;香气;用香熏;焚香

incendiary 词典解释

1. 纵火的;放火的;能引起燃烧的
    Incendiary weapons or attacks are ones that cause large fires.

    e.g. Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
    e.g. ...incendiary attacks on shops.

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2. 燃烧弹
    An incendiary is an incendiary bomb.

    e.g. A shower of incendiaries struck the Opera House.

incendiary 单语例句

1. incendiary的意思

1. Beijing police have been training 80 sniffer dogs to patrol the city's subway system in search of incendiary or flammable goods such as fireworks.

2. Jeremiah Wright, after Wright made incendiary comments that became a campaign issue.

3. It was also reported that at least 130 people were arrested on vandalism, including two protestors taken away at the university for possession of incendiary devices.

4. Adding to the rivalries, fans are often politically aligned - bringing together two passions in an incendiary mix.

5. incendiary

5. The officer said police had seized more than 700 kg of incendiary items from subway passengers last year.

6. incendiary什么意思

6. Chavez's incendiary comments came after Washington warned of " severe diplomatic consequence " if a similar incident repeats itself.

7. US and British warplanes dropped incendiary bombs in northern Iraq on Tuesday, said an Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad.

8. Raney said he then used a homemade incendiary device to set the home on fire.

9. incendiary在线翻译

9. Two of those arrested were accused of spreading the rumors that led to the incendiary situation.

10. incendiary在线翻译

10. It came as he was put on the defensive over incendiary comments by his former pastor.

incendiary 英英释义



1. a bomb that is designed to start fires
    is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel)

    Synonym: incendiary bomb firebomb

2. a criminal who illegally sets fire to property

    Synonym: arsonist firebug


1. incendiary是什么意思

1. capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily

    e.g. an incendiary agent
           incendiary bombs

2. arousing to action or rebellion

    Synonym: incitive inflammatory instigative rabble-rousing seditious

3. incendiary在线翻译

3. involving deliberate burning of property

    e.g. an incendiary fire
