
inbreeding [ˈɪnbri:dɪŋ]  [ˈɪnˌbridɪŋ] 





inbreeding 基本解释


动词生育,生产( inbreed的现在分词 )

inbreeding 网络解释

1. 近亲交配:33.同胎交配(IN BREEDING)通常只用来新创品系的新F1,为了加强所要的基因而进行一次近亲交配o 除此之外,一般的近亲交配会使得基因更易发生衰败,诸如体型变小,成长速度变慢等衰败迹象.......36.近亲交配(Inbreeding)意指同胎的兄弟姊妹

2. 近交:另外两种非随机交配的类型是近交(inbreeding)和远交(outbreeding). 在我们学习数量遗传时近交会涉及到亲属间优先交配,近交实质是对亲属关系的正选交配. 远交是非亲缘关系优先交配,突质上是负选交配. 近交大部分是属于自交,

3. 近亲繁殖:(Thomas 1990)海峡群岛(channel Island)的海鸟研究,超过100 对的海鸟族群有90%以上之存活遗传变异性的经由基因漂变(genetic drift)而随时间丧失1.遗传变异性低,近亲繁殖(inbreeding)和遗传漂变(genetic drift)导致之遗传问题岛屿

4. 同系繁殖:二、繁殖的三大方法 1.同系繁殖(Inbreeding) 同系繁殖是指以血缘关系接近的公犬和母犬交配,例如父女犬、兄弟姐妹犬、母子犬,它们拥有共同的遗传因子,生下的幼犬会把其优点特徵加强和固定,但缺点也会同时遗传.

inbreeding 词典解释

1. (动物或人)近亲繁殖
    Inbreeding is the repeated breeding of closely related animals or people.

    e.g. In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
           19 世纪,近亲婚配几乎导致皇室宗族灭绝。

inbreeding 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Experts say the deformity could be the result of too much inbreeding.

2. The enclosure of the pastures by the local herdsmen has blocked the antelopes'migration route, making genetic exchanges among different groups impossible and inbreeding unavoidable.

3. They willingly paid high prices for the dogs, leading to inbreeding and erratic temperaments.

4. China will export wild horses for the first time for in an exchange with Mongolia, to prevent inbreeding.

5. Zhang said Chinese zoos had been working to avoid inbreeding by swapping either pandas or their frozen sperm since 2004.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Zoo officials said since inbreeding among pandas can prove harmful to the rare animals, they had been preserving wild pandas'semen for almost a decade.

7. But inbreeding is not a threat only in " lab " conditions.

8. Zoologists believe releasing giant pandas into the wild will reduce the risk of inbreeding among the animals'wild partners.

9. Experts warned that inbreeding may speed up the extinction of the giant pandas if the trend continues.

10. The new habitat will also help to limit the damage to the panda population by preventing inbreeding.

inbreeding 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the act of mating closely related individuals
