in vain

in vain [in vein]  [ɪn ven] 

in vain 基本解释

白费地; 徒劳无益地; 无效果的; 无用的

in vain 网络解释

in vain的意思

1. 徒劳,白费力:in turn 依次地,轮流的;转而,反过来 | in vain 徒劳,白费力 | instead of 替代,而不是

2. 无益地, 白白地:in a word 总之 | in vain 无益地, 白白地 | in case 如果,万一,以防

3. 徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢:in use 在使用着 | in vain 徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢 | in view of 鉴于,考虑到;由于

in vain 单语例句

1. Police spent four days in vain looking for the boy's uncle and then sent the boy to Xinjiang by train.

2. in vain的翻译

2. Cameroon piled on the pressure and created several scoring chances, but their efforts were in vain after defender Paul Roland was sent off.

3. The family saw the cat several times with the jar on its head and tried in vain to catch it.

4. Chad Johnson briefly lobbied in vain to keep his job when he was cut by Miami Dolphins coach Joe Philbin.

5. in vain的意思

5. What seemed to be an eternal waiting has finally come to an end, and it was not in vain!

6. Vets and tamers dragged her out of the pool and tried in vain to administer emergency treatment.

7. Marketing strategies that work well in cities might run in vain in the countryside, and special offers or discounts may not attract farmers like they do city dwellers.

8. in vain

8. He also attributed his loss of vision to the dizzying white walls of his cubicle, in which he often tried in vain to sleep.

9. But her struggle ended in vain, with her son's death in 1999.

10. They lived in bunkers the Japanese had deserted in their vain attempts to flee from the cold and the fleas.

in vain 英英释义


1. to no avail

    e.g. he looked for her in vain
           the city fathers tried vainly to find a solution

    Synonym: vainly
