in quest of

in quest of [in kwest ɔv]  [ɪn kwɛst ʌv] 

in quest of 基本解释

in quest of什么意思


in quest of 网络解释

1. 为了探索......,为了寻求:in essence 本质上,大体上,其实 | in quest of 为了探索......,为了寻求...... | in retrospect 回顾,回顾往事

2. 为探索:in place of代替,取代 | in quest of * 为探索 | in response to响应,回答

3. 为了探求,为了寻求:a quarter of ... 四分之一的... | in quest of ... 为了探求...;为了寻求... | an open question 悬而未决的问题

4. 探索:under way 航行 | in quest of 探索 | clear up 大扫除

in quest of 单语例句

1. in quest of

1. A quest for harmony and balance in the universe of the unknown is thematically linked in the color pink.

2. Sitting out is an unlikely option considering the importance of preparing well for the national team's Olympic quest in 2008.

3. The event brought a delegation of about 22 people from India to meet with 150 Thai businesspeople in a quest tighter trade and investment.

4. in quest of的翻译

4. Electric power is a fundamental ingredient in the quest for economic stability and quality of life.

5. in quest of

5. Rural women in Jiangsu province's Dongtai city are today finding new fortunes in their quest to revive the tradition of hair embroidery.

6. in quest of的近义词

6. The Prophet of Islam's famous exhortation - go in quest of knowledge even unto China - is central to Muslims'quest of deeper knowledge.

7. It is also the day we hear about the latest methods of fraud invented by ingenious businesspeople in the quest for maximum profits.

8. " Let us harness the magic of football in our quest for development and peace, " the statement said.

9. Liu is not alone in his quest to ease the burden of a busy work life.

10. in quest of

10. I hope the city will not sacrifice these in its quest to join the ranks of the world's metropolises.
