in focus

in focus [in ˈfəukəs]  [ɪn ˈfokəs] 

in focus 基本解释


in focus 网络解释

1. 焦点对准;清晰:in favour of 赞成,支持;有利于 | in focus 焦点对准;清晰 | in force (法律)有效的;大批地

2. 焦点对准:impurity 杂质 | in focus 焦点对准 | in parallel 并联

3. 准确封焦:imagestructure 影像结构 | in focus 准确封焦 | incandescent light 长明灯

in focus 单语例句

1. in focus

1. The Shanghai company will focus its primary business in logistics planning, system control and information management.

2. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

3. in focus的反义词

3. Electric appliances that are banned in dormitories will be the focus of a new inspection following a fire at the Shanghai Business School on Friday.

4. He was appointed in November to oversee a new international business structure from Hong Kong, signaling GE's focus on overseas markets.

5. in focus的意思

5. One of its most successful investments was buying a US $ 8 million stake in media company Focus Media at the end of 2004.


6. Cai said the development of team sports must focus on popularity among children rather than the elite mode used in individual events.

7. Obama's campaign said his speech will focus on how missteps in Iraq have hurt efforts to strengthen US security.

8. The main focus will be the lagging wages of rural workers, whose per capita incomes are currently only 30 percent of those in urban areas.

9. The agreement will mainly focus on helping firms in Pudong weather financial hardship, and the majority of the capital will be put into infrastructure construction.

10. The investigators will focus on the impact of the carcinogenic industrial chemicals'on human health and the environment in the area.
