in common

in common [in ˈkɔmən]  [ɪn ˈkɑmən] 

in common 基本解释

副词共有; 同

in common 网络解释

1. 共用的,共有的:in charge of 负责,总管 | in common 共用的,共有的 | in debt 欠债,欠情

2. 共有的,共用的:in charge of 负责,主管 | in common 共有的,共用的 | in detail 详细地

3. 共同,共有:in coincidence with 与. . . 一致,相符 | in common 共同,共有 | in debt 欠债

in common 单语例句

1. A common medication used in type 2 diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.

2. in common的反义词

2. In recent years scalpers lining up outside Apple shops to buy up new products to resell has become a common sight.

3. in common

3. Xinjiang is the largest region by landmass in China, and travel by air is the most common means of getting around.

4. By comparison, microwaves used in the common kitchen appliance penetrate several centimeters of flesh.

5. Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday that the US economy is essentially in a recession by a " common sense definition ".

6. It is common sense that any move taken by a public servant in a public place is by no means a purely " personal " affair.

7. Wang said it was common practice in the world to determine dominant position by market share.

8. A source close to Aniston said that even the actress had been left a little stunned by all the things they share in common.

9. The most common cause of cadmium poisoning is a lack of proper precautions in places where cadmium is used.

10. Scant information exists on flu vaccines with adjuvants, a component used to stretch the active ingredient that is common in European flu vaccines.

in common 英英释义



1. sharing equally with another or others

    e.g. we have several things in common
           in common with other companies they advertise widely
