
improvisation [ˌɪmprəvaɪ'zeɪʃn]  [ɪmˌprɑvɪˈzeʃən, ˌɪmprəvɪ-] 


improvisation 基本解释


名词即兴创作,即兴演说; 即兴作品; 急就章

improvisation 网络解释


1. 即兴演奏:他举的异例是,即兴演奏(improvisation)与非洲的复节奏音乐(polyrhythmicmusic),聆听者必须抗拒将各部音融会的倾向,注意力必须在几个重复模式之间转换,虽然警觉于整体乐团,但互动方式比较像对话中的言说者,而不像专注于作曲者思想的交响乐团,

2. 即兴而作:[3]即兴而作(improvisation)最初用于描述爵士乐队未做事先准备的演奏活动,这里是指想法的形成、执行和完成几乎同时发生. 即兴而作虽然不能保证每次都能成功,但作为一个创造过程,是为开发新事物进行的一种尝试. 后来,

improvisation 单语例句

1. Li will deliver a performance that delights the audience with provocative, captivating improvisation.

2. The Beijing Improv International Arts Festival launch party invites participants to enjoy complimentary food, cocktails and some truly unexpected performances from the top international improvisation artists.

3. There she experienced an exciting new world of music free jazz, improvisation and a refreshing openness towards experimentation.

4. And the extent of improvisation often depends on the familiarity of the musicians with each other.

5. Sener then told the dancers to take the improvisation up a level, they could now raise their bodies off the floor.

6. The Muqam is a musical mode and set of melodic formulas used to guide improvisation and composition.

7. improvisation

7. " Each one of my paintings is an abstract improvisation, " he says.

8. Yet the temporal qualities of their live improvisation lend a " you had to be there " kind of feel to the night.

9. Li said his improvisation can be traced back to when he learned to play the xiao with some of his friends.

10. They use a lot of improvisation and music score, a series of chords that the musicians can use to improvise.

improvisation 英英释义



1. improvisation的近义词

1. a performance given extempore without planning or preparation

    Synonym: extemporization extemporisation

2. improvisation

2. an unplanned expedient

    Synonym: temporary expedient

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation)
