


improbabilities 基本解释
不大可能的事物,未必有的事( improbability的名词复数 );
improbabilities 双语例句


1. Don't worry about such improbabilities as floods and earthquakes.

2. We need not provide for such improbabilities as floods.

3. This is probable, however, only in Agathon's sense, when he speaks of the probability of even improbabilities coming to pass.

4. His narrative can not be regarded as a successful fiction, as it abounds in psychological as well as historical improbabilities.
    他说明不能被视为一个成功的小说,因为它有许多的心理和历史improbabilities 。

5. This hypothesis is difficult to maintain, for a number of improbabilities must be assumed in order to prove that the code found at the time of Josiah was Deuteronomy.

6. The Key (1958), a long black-and-white Second World War film that explores the morbid connections between romance, superstition and death, was more ambitious, but it is let down by the ponderous improbabilities of Carl Foreman's script.
    the key》(1958)是一部设定在二战时期的黑白长片,富于野心的探讨了爱情、迷信和死亡的关系,但却因Carl Foreman沉闷乏味、不真实的剧本最终沦为失败之作。


7. Albright helped sell Obeidi`s story about buried uranium centrifuge parts to the media, even though a true nuclear expert would have known that what Obeidi claims to have hidden possessed absolutely no value in the field of nuclear enrichment, and any former UN weapons inspector worth his or her salt would have recognized the inconsistencies and improbabilities in the Obeidi story.
    奥尔布赖特帮助出售奥贝迪的故事,约埋铀离心机部件向传媒,即使一个真正的核专家都知道什么奥贝迪声称已隐藏拥有绝对没有任何的价值在这一领域的核浓缩,以及任何前联合国武器检查员的价值他或她的盐会承认的不一致和improbabilities ,在奥贝迪的故事。


8. Don't worry about such improbabilities as earthquakes.
