1. 印象主义者:某些术语,例如印象主义者(Impressionist)、后印象主义者(Post-Impressionist)、超现实主义者(Surrealist)只是指称风格或艺术上的运动. 这些艺术团体所产出的作品可能在视觉上较少雷同,因为其成员的归类主要是依据哲学上的意含. 在二十世纪,
2. 印象派画家:35岁左右到了巴黎,近代印象派画家(impressionist)给了他很大影响,他的画风突变. 法国的乡下是主要的题材,艳丽的黄色、绿色是他的主旋律,大块大胆结合的色彩彰显着心的热烈和期盼,静物栩栩如生越入眼帘.
3. 印象派作品:--- inter active warp:交互式弯曲 | ---impressionist:印象派作品 | ---metal light:金属光泽
4. (印象派画笔):Auto Van Gogh(自动凡高画笔) | Impressionist(印象派画笔) | Sargent Brush(萨金特画笔)
1. The exhibition will showcase the most representative works of 14 Impressionist painters such as Manet and Degas.
2. A drawing by French impressionist Edgar Degas was stolen from a museum on Wednesday night in the Mediterranean city of Marseille.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. A woman with impeccable taste, she enjoys classical music and impressionist paintings.
4. The London sales resembled a Who's Who of impressionist and modern artists.
5. While speculation is mounting over the new territory for Chinese collectors and investors, a recent Sotheby's preview points in the direction of Impressionist and Modern Art.
6. The common feature of the three artists is their impressionist touch spontaneous composition of the subject matter.
7. impressionist
7. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 pieces of artwork featuring leading Realist painters and later the great Impressionist generation.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. The two Impressionist paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet were found in an abandoned car parked at a psychiatric clinic on Monday afternoon.
9. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 artworks by leading Realistic painters and masters of the Impressionist generation.
10. impressionist的解释
10. Jia went even a step further with his unconventional handling of the impressionist approach.
1. a painter who follows the theories of Impressionism