1. On the sidewalk stood hordes of the righteous, some leaning forward like wind-bent grasses, the better to deliver their imprecations against gays and fags to the open windows of the limos - the windows open by order of the security people - creeping toward the Kodak Theater for the 78th Academy Awards.
2. I will try to tell her story here just as she told it to me in a flood of bitter tears, angry imprecations and emotional outbursts of despair, frustration and hope.
3. Nothing was to be heard but grumbling and imprecations against the Flemings, the Cardinal de Bourbon, the Chief Magistrate, Madame Marguerite of Austria, the beadles, the cold, the heat, the bad weather, the Bishop of Paris, the Fools` Pope, the pillars, the statues, this closed door, yonder open window—to the huge diversion of the bands of scholars and lackeys distributed through the crowd, who mingled their gibes and pranks with this seething mass of dissatisfaction, aggravating the general ill-humour by perpetual pin-pricks.
4. Rather, grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope, rays from a black sun.
5. Sikes, invoking terrific imprecations upon Fagin's head for sending Oliver on such an errand, plied the crowbar vigorously, but with little noise.
6. He uttered imprecations under his breath.
7. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
8. We find in searching national anthems adopted by great nations that they contain imprecations upon the so-called enemy.
9. The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations.
10. Growling the foulest imprecations, he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch.
11. Quietness is my farewell music; I was always being forced to leave, silently, or with mutual imprecations.