import duties

import duties

import duties 基本解释


[经] 进口税

import duties 网络解释


1. 进口税:按征税商品流向划分 进口税(Import Duties) 是进口国家的海关在外国商品输入时,对本国进口商所征收的正常关税( Normal Duties ). 出口税(Export Duties) 是对本国出口的货物在运出国境时征收的一种关税. 征收出口关税会增加出口货物的成本,

2. 进口关税:grant 无偿帮助 | import duties 进口关税 | make concession 让步

3. 进口税捐:652 Implementation Guidance 施行指引 | 653 Import duties 进口税捐 | 654 impracticability exemption 实务上不可行之豁免

4. 入口关税:customs union 关税联盟 L06 | import duties 入口关税 L06 | export duties 出口关税 L06

import duties 单语例句


1. The new plan also guarantees that increases in central import duties will be used on export tax rebates.

2. Another factor behind the growing overseas consumption is high import duties and consumption taxes for luxury goods.

3. import duties

3. Taxes eligible for rebates include customs duties, import value added taxes and consumer taxes.

4. The barriers concerned include customs duties, import bans and selective quotas.

5. import duties的近义词

5. The Customs had recently said it intends to tighten the free payment norms on import duties for international mails.

6. The two Japanese luxury units don't have production facilities in China, which means customers pay import duties that elevate prices.

7. import duties

7. China argued that the higher tariffs were needed to prevent automakers from evading steep vehicle import duties by importing cars in large chunks.

8. The Hong Kong government should crack down hard on these traders, who profit by importing goods from Hong Kong to the mainland without paying import duties.

9. The launch of the new policy signals that preferential import duties to revive domestic equipment manufacturing have entered substantial implementation.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. And the latest data has led to increased calls for China to further cut import duties.
