
immune [ɪˈmju:n]  [ɪˈmjoon] 

immune 基本解释

形容词免疫的; 有免疫力的; 不受影响的; 免除…的

immune 相关例句



1. The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police.

immune 网络解释


1. 免疫:COX1, COX2等等.因此, 非甾体类抗炎药 (NSAID)就要解热镇痛的作用, 因此叫解热镇痛药. 通常的止痛片.另外这个也是大众容易混淆的概念, 就是三个I 之间的关系. 炎症 (INFLAMMATION), 免疫 (IMMUNE)和 感染 (INFECTION).

2. 免疫的:immigrant 移来的、移民的、移居的;移民、侨民 | immune 免疫的 | impact 碰撞、冲击、冲突;撞击、挤入、压紧

3. 免除的;豁免的;免疫的:9.general hospital 综合医院 | 10.immune 免除的;豁免的;免疫的 | 11.infection 感染

4. 免疫的,免除的:tranquilizer 镇静药 | immune 免疫的,免除的 | rehabilitation 复原,康复

immune 词典解释

1. immune什么意思

1. (对疾病)免疫的,有免疫力的
    If you are immune to a particular disease, you cannot be affected by it.

    e.g. This blood test will show whether or not you're immune to the disease...
    e.g. Most adults are immune to Rubella.

Birds in outside cages develop immunity to airborne bacteria.

2. (反应等)免疫的,免疫系统的
    An immune response or reaction is a reaction by the body's immune system to something harmful that is affecting it.

    e.g. It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed.

3. 不受影响的
    If you are immune to something that happens or is done, you are not affected by it.

    e.g. Whilst Marc did gradually harden himself to the poverty, he did not become immune to the sight of death...
    e.g. Football is not immune to economic recession.

4. 免除的;豁免的
    Someone or something that is immune from a particular process or situation is able to escape it.

    e.g. Members of the Bundestag are immune from prosecution for corruption...
    e.g. No one is immune from scandal.

The police are offering immunity to witnesses.
immune 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. But even Winfrey was not immune to the dips in ratings that have plagued broadcasters as viewers flock to specialty programming on cable.

2. immune的解释

2. A chemical found in cruciferous vegetables called sulforaphane was found to activate a number of antioxidant genes and enzymes in immune cells.

3. These can effectively activate the immune system of human body and promote the immune function of cells and body fluid.

4. It added that Irrawaddy dolphins in Cambodia and Laos urgently needed a health program to counter the effects of pollution on their immune systems.

5. Exercise also keeps our immune system in shape by ensuring that immune cells stay active and effective.

6. Blood vessels become vulnerable as the patient's active immune system causes greater inflammation.

7. Selenium can boost the immune system, slow down the aging process and reduce the effects of cardiovascular diseases.

8. The degree to which exposure to these contaminants suppresses immune system function has been " underestimated, " Carpenter added.

9. The disease is the result of the immune system attacking the joints, causing inflammation and damage to bone and cartilage.

10. In order to defeat competitors and get deals, multinationals eager to cash in on the huge market are not immune from corruption.

immune 英英释义


1. immune

1. a person who is immune to a particular infection


1. immune的意思

1. (usually followed by `to') not affected by a given influence

    e.g. immune to persuasion

2. relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)

    Synonym: resistant

3. immune的解释

3. secure against

    e.g. immune from taxation as long as he resided in Bermuda
           immune from criminal prosecution

4. relating to the condition of immunity

    e.g. the immune system
